$266.2 million

to provide relief for the increasing cost of living for South Australians

Additional savings for households

The state government is providing more savings for households in addition to the Commonwealth Government’s cost of living relief to support those who are most in need. For example, a family with two school-aged children could save an additional $600 in 2024-25 through the doubling of the sports voucher subsidy, and extension of the school materials and services charge subsidy for a further year. When combined with the Commonwealth Government tax cuts and energy bill relief, the same family on a combined income of $150 000 could save over $4 000 in 2024-25.

Family savings

Materials and services charge subsidy
($200 per student) 
Sports voucher expansion
(additional $100 per student) 
Commonwealth energy bill relief
($300 per household) 
Commonwealth income tax savings
(based on household earning $150 000) 
$3 108
Total savings$4 008

Additional Cost of Living Concession payment

$51.5 million in 2023-24 to provide a once-off additional Cost of Living Concession (COLC) payment of $243.90 to all recipients who have received the COLC payment in 2023-24. This additional payment will occur in June 2024, providing immediate and targeted support to over 210 000 South Australians at the onset of winter, when energy bills increase for many households.

Increased Cost of Living Concession for tenants and Commonwealth Seniors Health Card holders

$36.6 million over four years to double the COLC from 2024-25 from $127.80 to $255.60 for tenants and Commonwealth Seniors Health Card holders by aligning to that of home owners, supporting around 73 000 people.

An eligible low-income family that rents will receive a total of $371.70 in additional COLC payments over 2023-24 and 2024-25.

Sports vouchers expansion

$54.6 million over four years to expand the sports vouchers program from 1 January 2025 and address the cost of children participating in sport and recreation activities, supporting the participation of around 100 000 children.

The sports vouchers program currently provides a discount of up to $100 each calendar year on sport, dance, learn to swim or scouts/guides fees for South Australian children from Reception to Year 9.

This initiative will double the number of $100 vouchers from 1 to 2 per year per child, or allow parents to claim a $200 deduction on sport and recreation fees for the one activity. Vouchers will also be expanded to include music lessons as an eligible activity.

Materials and services charge subsidy

$24 million in 2024-25 to deliver a $200 reduction to government school parents, caregivers and independent students for the materials and services charge for the 2025 school year. This initiative expands and extends this support for a further year and will support up to 120 000 school children.

Social housing energy upgrade initiative

$35.8 million over three years for a social housing energy upgrade initiative to provide insulation upgrades and replacement of inefficient appliances to deliver energy and cost saving benefits to tenants in both public and community housing sectors, in partnership with the Commonwealth Government. The Commonwealth Government will provide $17.9 million with the remaining $17.9 million to be funded by the state government.

The initiative is expected to provide energy efficiency upgrades for over 3 500 homes in South Australia.

Improving access to concessions

$14.1 million over four years to:

  • improve access to concessions for tenants in share houses, including those in disability accommodation (benefitting around 2 200 people)
  • expand access to glasses (around 7 000 people), emergency electricity payment (around 1 300 people) and funeral concessions (up to 50 people).

In addition, Companion Card holders will be provided improved access to Changing Places facilities (around 10 000 people), and there have been improvements in the Home Dialysis Concession (around 200 people) and in access to concessions for asylum seekers (around 500 people).

Extend public transport concessions

$10.6 million over four years to extend public transport concessions to all Health Care Card holders, benefitting around 15 000 people. This will save up to $2.25 per trip when using a MetroCard.

Remote area energy supply – fuel costs

$500 000 in 2023-24 to support the Remote Area Energy Supply Scheme due to a rise in the price of diesel fuel in remote communities and townships that are serviced by the scheme.

CTP premiums

All vehicle owners will continue to benefit from the former Labor government’s reforms to the competitive CTP insurance scheme, with the CTP premium for an average four cylinder vehicle in the metropolitan area being 6 per cent lower compared to July 2023.

Fees and charges

Increases to fees and charges set by government will not exceed the current rate of inflation (4.3 per cent) for the third year in a row. Fees and charges will rise by around 3 per cent in 2024-25, around 30 per cent below inflation.